Collaborating with Your Psychotherapist to Maximize the Benefits of SPRAVATO Therapy

Depression is more than just feeling sad or having a bad day; it's a serious mental health condition that can have a profound impact on a person's life. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It affects people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and it can severely disrupt a person's ability to function in their daily life.


The impact of depression extends beyond the individual and can affect their relationships with family and friends, their performance at work or school, and their overall quality of life. It can also lead to other health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes, and it increases the risk of substance abuse and suicide.



What is SPRAVATO Therapy?


SPRAVATO therapy is a relatively new treatment option for depression that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The active ingredient in SPRAVATO is esketamine, which is a derivative of the anesthetic drug ketamine. Unlike traditional antidepressants, which work by increasing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, esketamine works by blocking a specific type of receptor in the brain called the NMDA receptor.


SPRAVATO is administered as a nasal spray under the supervision of a healthcare provider. It is primarily intended for people with treatment-resistant depression, which is defined as depression that has not responded to at least two different antidepressants.



What are the Benefits of SPRAVATO Therapy for Depression?


SPRAVATO therapy offers several benefits for people with depression. First, it provides hope for those who have not found relief from traditional antidepressants. In clinical trials, SPRAVATO has been shown to reduce depression symptoms more effectively than a placebo, and some patients even experience a rapid improvement in their mood within hours of receiving the treatment.


Another benefit of SPRAVATO therapy is that it works through a different mechanism than traditional antidepressants, which means it can help people who have not responded to other treatments. By blocking the NMDA receptor in the brain, SPRAVATO can help to restore the balance of chemicals in the brain and alleviate depression symptoms.


SPRAVATO therapy can also be beneficial for people with suicidal thoughts. A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that SPRAVATO was effective in rapidly reducing suicidal thoughts in patients with severe depression.



The Role of Your Psychotherapist in SPRAVATO Therapy


At Thunder Pain and Wellness, we believe strongly in treating the whole person. If you have a psychotherapist, we are happy to have them accompany you to your SPRAVATO therapy sessions. For some patients, this additional support and guidance throughout the treatment process helps them to better understand and manage their depression symptoms.


If you have a psychotherapist, regular follow-ups are extremely beneficial. These sessions are an opportunity to discuss your progress and make sense of your experiences and emotions. Your psychotherapist can provide strategies for managing depression symptoms and coping with any challenges that arise during the course of your treatment.


Steps to Maximize Benefits


To maximize the benefits of SPRAVATO therapy, it's crucial to work closely with your healthcare providers. This collaboration starts with open and honest communication. Be sure to share your symptoms, concerns, and goals for therapy. This will help tailor the treatment to your specific needs and preferences.


Finally, it's important to take an active role in your treatment. This means adhering to your treatment schedule, taking your medications as prescribed, and implementing the coping strategies and lifestyle changes recommended by your healthcare providers.


Begin Your Journey Towards Recovery with SPRAVATO Therapy


Depression is a serious and debilitating condition, but treatments like SPRAVATO therapy offer hope for those who have not found relief from traditional antidepressants. With the guidance and support of trained healthcare providers, this innovative treatment can help to alleviate depression symptoms and improve your quality of life.


With the right support and treatment, you can overcome the challenges of depression and live a happier, healthier life. If you are struggling with depression in the Reno, Nevada, area, ask about starting SPRAVATO therapy at Thunder Pain and Wellness. Please call (775) 336-1256 to schedule an appointment today.